Thursday, October 30, 2008

"o lux beatissima" - david mellor

remember those old traditional candelabras sitting on the table on a christmas evening? maybe surrounding it rests an advent wreath with soft candlelight flickering about.

david mellor took this classical accessory and revamped it into a sleek stainless steel candelabra for modern and contemporary spaces. 32 thin vertical bars are present along with 8 radial candle holder and a 9th in the centre. accents of violet from the anodized aluminium highlights the individual candle holders. the candelabra handmade and situated on a solid matte black granite base with an engraving that reads "o lux beatissima" meaning "o most blessed light." holding white candles, mellor's piece demonstrates an obvious juxtaposition of industrial coolness versus classical softness.

*where you can get david mellor's candelebra:
*where you can view more of david mellor's work:
-cup of red

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