Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
"o lux beatissima" - david mellor
Saturday, October 25, 2008
robots and monsters – ayden gallery
Dan VanHarmelen’s miniature robots made from scraps of metals and other interesting bits were scattered around the gallery. his mini light-up bots can serve as both casual accessories and alternative desk lamps.
*where you can learn more about the Ayden Gallery:
Sunday, October 19, 2008
red carpet fashion show - lonely hearts children international
strut, strut, strut, strut - armed with curly up-dos, smoky black eyes and bold red lips, bodacious models strut their stuff down the runway for impoverished children and families in El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico and India. hosted by Lonely Hearts Children International, the Red Carpet Fashion Show was a charity event where fashion met philanthropy. the organization was founded by Renata K. (Miss New Westminster), Sara G.(Professional vocalist), Rosalba V. (Miss Burnaby) since August and it has been a life long dream for them. the Red Carpet Fashion Show was their first launch as an organization. this glamorous night was sponsored Ron Sombilons Art Gallery, Masci Tutoring and Consulting, Kihada Works Design, Mega Silver Inc among many others. three short fashion shows featured clothes from Bebe, JC studio and jewellery from Jolie Mack...
picture the clothes on mannequins in bebe's storefront windows - that was the bebe fashion line presented. an eye-striking reoccurring piece was the signature bebe short curve-hugging dresses in bright metallics - perfect for a night out in town. occasionally, there were tweed skirt suits embellished with patent leather and ruffle-clad dress shirts shown. the colours were primarily bold and solid hues like purples, greens, reds, blues and yellows. a few pieces with boho patterns jutted out here and there in the show like sore thumbs. but the flowing black, red and gold v-neck silk boho-style dress (pictured below) was my favourite piece between all the shows.
beware though, these clothes aren't for all of us, as they were designed for vixens of the night.
for all the style-conscientious men out there, bebe hasn't left you out. the line also featured dark leather jackets for you to wear when accompanying your daring vixen.
*my favourite piece
Jolie Mack Custom Jewellery Designs
there are two words to describe the line - long and shiny. running from the neck to the stomach, the detailed yet streamlined jewellery drew attention to the body's mid line. the exaggerated length of the pieces tricks the eye into elongating the torso. matching earrings also followed the general design scheme. as for the shiny factor, most of the pieces were designed in sterling silver or chains of Swarovski crystals. although not your Tiffany and Co's type jewellery, Jolie Mack does have their place in designing one-of-a-kind jewellery.
JC studio
if Bebe's clothes were fit for girl's night out, then JC studio's clothes were their counterparts, at least i thought so anyway. the colour scheme was like bebe's - bold solid metallics on long flowing full length silk dresses. even though designer silk pyjama bottoms are currently acceptable to wear out of the house, i don't think JC's line will qualify because they look more like silk nightgowns than formal wear. perhaps they're more appropriate for a sexy night in?
with all this glitz and glamour, it's hard not to lose scope of the whole purpose of the event, which was to fund raise for less fortunate families in other parts of the world. all proceeds of the event will go to the children and families sponsored by Lonely Hearts Children International. let me leave you with a true story from one of the organization's founders about one of her site visits..."a 72-year-old grandmother with diabetes was taken care of by her son. one day, her son and daughter-in-law were kidnapped and assassinated. this 72-year-old now not only has to provide for herself, but three more young grandchildren." fashion isn't always about vanity. sometimes, it can be for charity too.
*photos courtesy of Raymond Chou, where you can view more of his work:
*where you can view this article on the Ubyssey:
- cup of red
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
genes exposed - dna 11
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
roses and bows, lust and sex - the duchess
in The Duchess, Keira Knightly plays Georgiana Spencer, the Duchess of Devonshire who’s raised to please others. she is a 18th century celebrity, a fashion idol for women beneath her. descriptions of what type of hats she wore made it to newsprint. she is the “Empress of Fashion.”
wthe public loves her dearly, the Duke (Ralph Fiennes) does not, for she failed to give him a male heir. he has an affair with a live-in mistress, Georgiana’s best friend. the love and friendship triangle causes bitter tension in the Devonshire household and makes for a saddened and lonesome duchess. her misery vanishes, however, when a young ambitious politician appears in her life. he adds another dimension to the triangle.
disregarding the film’s abrupt scene transitions, the film felt too typical. imagine Marie Antoinette and The Other Boleyn Girl repackaged into 1 hour and 49 minutes. if you’re looking for a movie with a revolutionary plot and you’ve already watched the aforementioned, don’t bother. also, you better think Knightly is attractive, because the camera is always focused on her face. everything else is literally a big blur.
however, you should watch this movie if you like 18th century fashion. the costumes are exquisitely designed. every knot and string, every ruffle and under-padding are considered. The “bows and roses” are the theme of the Duchess’s dresses, but she never wears an outfit for more than one day. conversely, the jewelry looked fake, which removed some of the richness of Georgiana’s image.
the duchess moved the crowd in entertainment and politics, but as long as she was a woman, what mattered most was her inability to produce a male heir. it’s a shame a better movie couldn’t be produced either.
*where you can learn more about the duchess:
*where you can view the article on the Ubyssey:
-cup of red
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
milk and bread rings - melanie favreau
where you can get your customized milk and bread ring:
where you can view more of favreau's works:
- cup of red
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
dreams for women - antigone foundation
“i dream of a world were mothers don’t fear for their children in old men’s wars.” guess who wrote that? a woman? no, a man wrote that. HE wrote that. in fact, Balz Beitenholz, a prominent local Vancouver artist wrote that. hosted by Antigone Magazine and WILLA (Women Involved in Legislative Leadership Association), "Dreams for Women" is an exhibit of art postcards with a feminist theme. men, women and children alike painted, drew, wrote or sketched a dream they have for women of the world. hundreds of postcards were created by artists from as far as Japan, Germany, Brazil, France and Romania. even patients of an eating disorder clinic in Los Angeles participated in this project as a theurapeutic activity.
the principle behind this project is like the popular "Post Secrets,” which is community-based mail art. however, “Dreams for Women” is unlike its inspiration because these postcards do not hold their creators' deepest secrets, but rather meaningful messages for the world to see. common themes which emerged from the exhibited postcards included politics, body image and inner self, rape, abuse, and perfection with of course, relation to women. “[people are] dreaming of a time when women will have more power in business, politics and society” commented Amanda Reaume, founder, editor and mother superior of the Antigone Magazine. “people” is a word not limited to women, but men also. although the submissions were primarily women-based, Reaume said that “men have been very supportive of the project.”
as I was roaming through the postcards creatively featured on cloth lines, I heard a few women nervously laughing at one which said “HILLARY 4 PREZ.” Reaume comments, “[the Canadian and American elections] have shown that people still aren’t comfortable about women leaders and are apprehensive about women being in power.”
some tongue-in-the-cheek submissions included “i [heart] mom…since she pays tuition”, “i dream of a day when the white house press secretary says ‘ladies and gentlemen – madam president’” and “i dream of a world where getting your period is cool…let’s get some ‘period envy’ happening…the day men would trade up their penises for vaginas…”
Reaume wants us to “gain, [from the exhibit], the ability to look critically at the world as it currently is and work towards the dreams to make them a reality.”
where you can visit the “Dreams for Women” exhibit: SUB Art Gallery during October 7 to 11 from 11:00am to 4:00pm daily
where you can view more postcards:
- cup of red
Monday, October 6, 2008
the church's modern fix - jakub berdych
where you can view more of Qubus Studio's works:
- cup of red
Saturday, October 4, 2008
under the sea - philippe ramette
where you can view more of ramette's works:
- cup of red