as one with a science background, i have done countless numbers of dna extractions, PCRs and gel electrophoresis. the gel products were often just another mound of data to analyse. never would i have thought of turning this genetic fragments into art, but Adrian Salamunovic and Nazim Ahmed, the founders of dna 11 did. this Canadian duo paints on canvas not your outer appearance, but your inner beauty. they extract your dna from a mouth swab you provide, do a perfect gel run, take a pristine picture of the gel, play with the colours and contrast, and finally magnify it as an art piece for your enjoyment. this idea is ever so simple yet results in such intriguingly beautiful art. you can be definite that each piece is one-of-a-kind and personally yours. perhaps compose a couple's portrait with your significant other, or how about a family dna portrait? unsatisfied with not knowing what those lines on the gel means? dna 11 will help you analyse your inner self through genepack where they also perform addition extractions of 4 specific genes for sport, love, brain and gender.
dna 11 also offer other unique products such as fingerprint and KISS portraits.
this is truely the unity of art and science.
*where to learn more about dna 11:
Good idea, looks like someone beat me to it. I've always thought pcr looks pretty.
Yes, I can just imagine hubby does one of these on himself, wife and kids as a surprise anniversary present and finding out that the kids don't belong to him. Am I too cynical?
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